
What Is A Master Gardener Powerpoint


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How to Become a Master Gardener PowerPoint Presentation

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How to Become a Master Gardener

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How to Become a Master Gardener

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Become a Master Gardener Presentation by Jean Arambula

  2. The Master Gardener Program in Georgia is a volunteer training program designed to help Extension agents transfer research-based information about gardening and related subjects to the public by training home gardeners. Through this program, volunteers benefit from the classes and ongoing training and the opportunity to share knowledge with others; the agents and community benefit from the service.

  3. Reasons for Becoming a Master Gardener Credentials Confidence in Skills

  4. Quality of the training materials

  5. Flexibility to do the type of volunteer work you want Education Projects

  6. Classroom Experience Current Class session at the Lowndes County Extension Office The class meets twice a week, for 30 sessions-January 11-March 31 Taught by UGA Professors in the classroom through live online programs. Classes are archived for later viewing. Excellent training provided by the Extension organization.

  7. Classroom Schedule

  8. Some of the rewards one realizes for being a Master Gardener

  9. A Diverse Group of Friends Bessie Smith at Pinevale Learning Center Garden Above: Nell Ricketts's table setting at the Crescent Left: Billy Wiggins teaching us good safety and maintenance habits for our tools

  10. The Chance to Spread the Good Word The Pinevale Learning Center, an alternative school, is an ongoing project of Grand Bay Master Gardeners. Spearheaded by Annie Barbas, it is now being maintained by the students, with Annie advising on a regular basis.

  11. The Garden Club Connection Valdosta is blessed to have had women with enough foresight to save the Crescent when it was set for demolition. It is now the home of the Garden Center and several garden clubs that oversee the house. Grand Bay Master Gardeners has made it possible for members to expand there knowledge and increase education possibilities for the public. Right: Tricia Lazarus, President of Grand Bay MG and on the left, Vicki Fenstermaker, recording secretary of GBMG, work in the Amaryllis Club flower bed before the judging of the Beautiful Garden Award, which the club won.

  12. How to find a program

  13. The Importance of the program As limited budgets and downsizing in Extension continues to threaten program availability, expansion, and staffing, the effective recruitment and retention of volunteers to maintain these programs will be increasingly important. The Master Gardener organization is a highly valued and sought after program that offers a variety of volunteer opportunities and flexible hours. The quality of the training materials and instruction by university experts from Extension are important motivators to volunteers who wish to join the program.

  14. Links Job Descriptions What counts

What Is A Master Gardener Powerpoint


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